Tom Millen
Karol Wells
Dennis Wells
Phil Floyd
Diana Shearer
Kacey Cowburn
Bob Empfield
Sandy Foster
Hannah Evans
Mitchell Walker
Audrey Innocenti
Fred Eaton
Ex-Officio Members
Donna Overdorff, Lay Leader
Janie Cowan, Ann. Conf. Rep.
Doris McAnulty, Financial Sec.
Jeannette Houser, Treasurer
SPRC Chair
Finance Chair
Trustee Chair
Missions Representative
Prayer Team Representative
Outreach Representative
Security Team Rep.
Barb Wagner
Cliff Greenfield
Eric Walker
Eric Wetzel
Kim Forrester
Kathy Lyon
Greg Trout
Bill Taylor
Kris Levan
Ex-Officio Members
Donna Overdorff, Lay Leader
Janie Cowan, Ann. Conf. Rep.
Bill Wolff
Ryan Fabin
Melanie Reinbold
Dan Overdorff
Dennis Foster
Sherri Goodlin
Matt Madill
Randy Thomas
Paul Neal
Frank Kinter, Jr.
Doris Luce
Tim Kronenwetter
Scott Cramer
Brenda Tyger
Dave Koches
Barb Cerovich
Rob Porter
Beth Blair
Ex-Officio Members
Donna Overdorff, Lay Leader
Janie Cowan, Conf. Delegate
Council Chair
SPRC Chair
Trustee Chair
Bill Miller
Dave Wallace
Ron Patrick
Paul Rode
Conni Eaton
Barry Houser
Amanda Wagner
Brian Curry
Barb Cerovich
Diane Petras
Jennifer Sleppy
Doug Burkhart
Donna Overdorff
Peggy Fuller, 9 AM
Steve Wadsworth, 11 AM
Marsha Bell
Bill Taylor
Deb Ribblett
Claudia Curry
Jean Rickard
Kris Levan
Sue Stitt
Michele Wetzel
Kathy Jennings
Ex-Officio Members
Donna Overdorff, Lay Leader
Mary Helen Taylor
Ray Lyon
Jean Rickard
Alysa Gibbons
Ilga Cilo
Lucy Wood
Bill Robinson
Sandy Stowers
Cathy Doty
Larry Catlos
Rick King
Don Helsel
Lisa Wolff
Dona Hegner
Shawn Bauman
Bill Wagner
Brian Cury
Ryan Fabin
Willine Wolfe
Phil Floyd
Claudia Trout
Dan Majernik
Howard Greenfield
Amanda Wagner
Ray Lyon
Michele Wetzel
Joe Holuta
Kelli Paquette
Andy Sleppy
Tim McClellan
Megan Larko
Ray Reinbold
Bob Nagey
Jason Levan
Sue McCombie
Paula Ambrose
Trudy Greenfield
Beth Millen
Alisha Majernik
Bill Wagner
Erica Pollock
Tara McClellan
Kathy Lyon
Jean Rickard
Donna Meyer
Deb Lawson
Julie Bracken
Abbey Sleppy
Brandi Campisano
Pastor William Blair – Advisor to the Council
Joy Christian
Kacey Cowburn
Alysa Gibbons
Jonathan Gibbons
Abby Jozefowicz
Addie Porter
Kevin Porter
Libby Porter
Kristina Taylor-Porter
Sarah Taylor
Amanda Wagner
Mollie Eisenhuth
Janis Barner
Debbie Floyd
Phil Floyd
Sarah Huston
Becky McAnulty
Doug McAnulty
Deb Ribblett
Roy Ribblett
Andy Sleppy
Jenn Sleppy
Tina St. Clair has been a professional musician and music teacher (piano and organ) for many years and in many places (including 11 years as a civilian working for the U.S. Army in Germany). In July, 2001, after obtaining her Master’s Degree in Music Theory and Composition from IUP, she started working at Grace U.M. as Music Director/Organist. During her tenure at Grace U.M., several new instrumental groups were established with the many talented musicians in this congregation. Tina officially “retired” from the Traditional Music Director position in September, 2016, and now works at Grace as the Organist/Pianist. She still gives piano or organ lessons to interested students.
Tina is married to Rick St. Clair. They both enjoy spending time with their families, especially their grandchildren.
Favorite Movie: No favorite movie; but she is partial to romantic comedies.
Favorite Song: Tina has no favorite song; there are just too many from which to choose. However, she really enjoys composing or arranging her own music.
Favorite Bible Verse:
Tina has many favorite Bible verses depending upon her mood or need at the time. For example: there are Bible verses that comfort, inspire, convict, or teach a special lesson that is needed at a specific time and place. Most of her “favorites” are found in Psalms, Hosea, the Gospel of John, or the First Epistle of John.
Debra Moore has served in the music ministry at Grace since 2003. Currently, she directs the adult choir, children’s choir, adult handbell choir, and children’s handbell choir. She started her journey in the music ministry while in high school as the director of the preschool children’s choir and children’s handbell choir at her home church. After graduating with a degree in music education, she worked as an elementary music teacher for 15 years in North Carolina and Ohio while also serving as an adult choir director, handbell choir director, and youth choir director in both of those states. Professionally, she currently leads the project which develops the alternate assessment for the state of Pennsylvania.
Debra is married to her husband, Scott, who is an ancient historian and archaeologist. They have two children, Joel and Audra, and two cats.
Favorite Movie: Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
Favorite Song: Amazing Grace
Favorite Bible Verse:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Doris McAnulty has worked as the Pastors’ Secretary and Office Manager for the past 13 years. After working for many years as a paralegal, she welcomed the opportunity to work at the church where she has belonged for many years. Prior to joining the staff, Doris has served in many capacities, including Lay Leader, CPD Teacher, Co-Director of VBS and secretary or chairperson of all the major committees. She also enjoys working with the Kitchen Crew and Funeral Dinner Teams.
Doris and her husband, Ron have two married sons—Doug (wife, Becky) and Dan (wife, Amanda) who are also members of Grace. Three grandsons and one granddaughter complete the family circle.
Favorite Move: Comedy – Fools Rush In Drama – National Treasure
Favorite Song: Hymn of Promise
Favorite Bible Verse:
“My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him, He alone is my rock and my salvation.”
– Psalm 62:1-2
Pastor Kathy Mihoerck was appointed to Grace United Methodist Church as the Associate Pastor of Congregational Care and Senior Adult Ministries in June of 2010. Kathy’s passion is caring for others, and she would be the first to tell you this is a gift–to serve God and do everything you love–all at the same time! Kathy received the call into full time ministry in 2009. She never looked back she just kept putting one foot in front of the other waiting to see where God would take her. Since she received the call later in life, she chose the “Licensed Local Pastor” tract through the United Methodist Church. She continues her Course of Study at the “Methodist Theological School in Ohio.”
Kathy married her husband Vince, in 2005; together, they have five children and six grandchildren. A blended family was not something either Kathy or Vince had planned, but God had a different idea. Several years after each of their spouses had died, Kathy was introduced to Vince and the rest is history!
Favorite Movie: Pollyanna
Favorite Song: This is Amazing Grace
Favorite Bible Verse:
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
Rev. William “Bill” J. Blair has happily served as the senior pastor of Grace Church since March 2017. He served as the Connellsville District Superintendent of the United Methodist Church from 2011 through 2017 and at two previous appointments to local churches. He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Asbury Theological Seminary. Bill was honored with the Denman Award for Evangelism in 2010, served as a camp dean for 13 years at Camp Allegheny and Wesley Woods, has served on the boards of both Wesley Woods and Jumonville camps, and led 12 mission trips for Disaster Relief. Raised in church, Bill had a life-changing profession of faith at age 24 and responded to a call to full-time ministry at age 29. He had previously owned and operated a commercial dairy farm in Somerset County until his call to ministry.
Bill is married to his wife, Beth, since 1986, the Blair’s are parents to four children, Shanda, Jordan, Ryan and Preston, and have one grandchild.
Favorite Movie: Comedy: Pink Panther Drama: Bourne Series
Favorite Song: And Can it Be and nearly any Christmas song!
Favorite Bible Verse:
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us form the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:38-390