Care Ministry

Although we are a large congregation, our mission is to provide care and support to all of our brothers and sisters.  We desire to provide an atmosphere and opportunity to sense God’s presence and provision.

Visitation is a ministry provided to persons who are hospitalized, shut in, home bound, nursing home residents and others in need of more personalized care. Visitation is provided by lay persons and pastors, and may include celebrating the sacrament of communion. 

Pastor Kathy Mihoerck is our Pastor of Congregational Care. 

Pastor Dawn Krishart and Pastor Bob Nagy are our visitation pastors.

Please contact the church office at 724-463-8535 or click here to email our pastors to request a call or visit.

Stephen Ministers work alongside our pastors to care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. They provide quality, confidential, one-to-one ministry as trained, caring church members reaching out to others in a time of need. The caring relationship is always male-to-male and female-to-female for those in need age 18 and older. Stephen Ministers are trained to listen and provide support.

Grace Church Stephen Ministry Leaders:

 Pastor Kathy Mihoerck, Arlene Miller, and Ruthie Wallace.

Grace Church Stephen Ministers:

Arlene Miller, Ruthie Wallace, Sue Marshall, Cathy Schloemer, Jacquie Watkins, Kathy Jennings, Linda Graves, Dave Dixon, Debbie Dixon, Deidre Smith, Peggy Fuller, and Patty Weaver.

To contact a Stephen Minister or get more information, please contact Pastor Kathy Mihoerck at 724-463-8535 Ext. 130 or at

Life happens…and when it does, Feed the Flock is available to prepare meals for families or individuals who need a bit of help when a new baby arrives, when there is illness in the family, after a death, or other life happening.

Please contact Sue Stitt at

This ministry is led by volunteers who send cards out to those shut in or in nursing homes. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, contact Sharon Uber at or call 724-463-8535 Ext. 180.

A support group for those experiencing grief. There are many forms of grief and we care about your loss, no matter what stage of grief you are in. We hope you will join us for our next class. Our classes, usually, meet twice a year with the first class starting in February and the second class starting in September. 

For more information contact Pastor Kathy: 724-463-8535 ext. 130 or

This is a support group for those diagnosed with cancer.  We meet the 2nd Sunday of the month at 3pm, in the welcome center at Grace Church, 50 S. 7th Street, Indiana, PA 15701.  We recognize how much support means in these difficult times.  We hope you will join us!

Questions?  Call Pastor Kathy at 724-463-85535 Ext. 130 or

Christian counseling services are available at our downtown location. Christian Counseling, in a basic sense, acknowledges that a person’s faith plays a vital role in the healing of emotional or behavioral problems. Therefore, this type of counseling intentionally seeks to make faith a significant part of the “treatment” process. In whatever problem is faced, Christian Counseling acknowledges that Jesus Christ can powerfully work in our lives to bring about healing and relief.

Please contact Christian Counseling at 724-396-1510.
To learn more on Christian Counseling Associates, click here.