Pastor Bill’s new sermon series is DEVOTED. The message on Sunday is Devoted to Teaching. The scripture lesson is from Acts 2:42-47. The Chancel Choir and the Sounds of Grace Orchestra will be providing special music at the traditional service.
The Church Council has established the Heritage Fund to reduce the need for debt associated with our disaffiliation. To make a special gift, please write Heritage Fund on the memo line of your check or offering envelope. For additional information, please call the church office.
Effective May 16, Jonathan Gibbons accepted the position of DIRECTOR OF MEDIA AND MUSIC MINISTRY. Tina St. Clair will continue as our Church Organist. Our best wishes are extended to Tina as she moves to semi-retirement.
COURAGE AND CANCER will meet on May 21 at PM. (The date is changed because of Mother’s Day.)
Please mark your calendars to attend the Mark our Heritage and Future event. We will be gathering after church on June 25th for lunch. The Welcome Center will feature some of our church archives for you to browse through. We want to embrace our heritage as we move into the future. Plan now to join this very special event.
Later that evening, another very meaningful program will take place featuring former major league baseball player, Dave Dravecky who pitched for seven years in in the MLB, playing as an All-Star and in two pennant races. In 1988, Dave was at the top of his game and life. He had a wonderful family and was reaching his all-star peak playing the game of his childhood dreams. His Opening Day victory over the Dodgers was overshadowed later that fall by the discovery of cancer and the removal of half of the deltoid muscle in his pitching arm. Defying all odds, Dave came back to pitch once again in the Major Leagues the following year. Despite being told by doctors, “Short of a miracle, you’ll never pitch again,” Dave pitched a 4-3 win for the San Francisco Giants that day. Horribly, five days later in Montreal, Dave threw “…the pitch that could be heard round the world”—Dave’s arm split in two in mid-throw.
You won’t want to miss this exciting special guest to hear the rest of his inspiring story.