Grace Church Missions
Grace Church is committed to international, national, state, and local missions through supporting and serving in a variety of ministries throughout the world.
Contact Larry Catlos for more information at 724-388-6032 or lcatlos@ft.newyorklife.com

Grace Church Food Bank
Through the generous donations of church and community folks, we can offer a three day emergency food supply to people who are unable to purchase groceries for themselves and for their families. If you are in need of emergency food supplies, please contact the church office at 724-463-8535 or the emergency food bank number 724-463-7530.

Love Basket
Every Christmas season, a large group of volunteers gather groceries and assemble baskets for families in need so they may enjoy a bountiful meal in celebration of the birth of Christ with their family and friends. If you or someone you know is in need of this outreach, please contact the church office at 724-463-8535.

Family Promise
According to the 2010 Census, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, has a population of 88,880 and one 14-bed shelter for homeless individuals. In response to this need, Grace Church has partnered with more than 24 other county churches to provide safe housing for families in need of shelter. Many volunteers are needed to help with this vital ministry. Family Promise of Indiana County, PA. Contact Carole Reed for more information at 724-464-5220.